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LeKing Machinery Exported A Batch Of Mini Excavators To Spain

Release Date:05.24.2022 Views: 469

On May 24th, a batch of KV12 mini excavators from LeKing Machinery were packed in LeKing Industrial Park and sent to Spain. This is the first time LeKing Machinery has exported to Spain this year.The KV12 mini excavators ordered this time adopt the Euro V engine, the big arm side swing and the chassis telescopic function, and are equipped roll-over-proof four-legged roof.

KV12 Mini Excavator

LeKing Machinery has always won the market with reliable quality, high cost performance, energy-saving and environmental protection, complete qualifications and good after-sales service. We insist on focusing on user needs, and we are committed to manufacturing high-quality products and providing users with practical and effective services.

KV12 Mini Excavator

KV12 Mini Excavator

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